Stone Map

Map of Stone - Here is a location map for Stone near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire UK.

Map of Stone Aylesbury

Stone Map: Above you can view a map of Stone located south-west of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. Stone is a pretty little village with a population of around 2,500. It dates from Anglo-Saxon times and was recorded as "Stanes" in the Domesday Book of 1086.

Visible on this Stone map are: St John's Sports and Social Club, Stone Village Hall, Stone Service Station, the Rose and Crown pub, Stone Jubilee Pavilion, IDC Limited, Stone House Nursing Home, Home Counties Chauffeur, Brendoncare Chiltern View (Care Home), Big Band Swing UK, the A418 (Oxford Road), Bishopstone Road, Crestow Way, Upper Hartwell, Chiltern Avenue, Belle Vue, Chesterfield Close, Round Hill, Hartwell Riding Stables and more.

Zoom in (+) to see St John the Baptist Church, the Methodist Chapel, Stone Recreation Ground, the Co-op, Amalfie Bed and Breakfast, Manor Farmhouse, Stone C of E Combined School and Vicarage Farmhouse.

Zoom out for a wider view of the Stone area. Click on the small box (bottom right) for a satellite view of Stone in Buckinghamshire.

Google Street View of Stone Buckinghamshire

Above you can see a Stone street view (Google), showing the central area of the village on the A418.

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