Five Bells Weston Turville Map

Map of Five Bells Weston Turville - Here is a location map for Five Bells Weston Turville, near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire UK.

Map of Five Bells Weston Turville

Five Bells Weston Turville Map: Above you can view a map of Five Bells Weston Turville located in Main Street, Weston Turville, near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.

Visible on this Five Bells Weston Turville map are: The Chandos Arms pub, Weston Turville Stores, Topsy Turvy Pre-School, Weston Turville Church of England School, Hamlet Bed and Breakfast, Main Street, Marroway, The Hyde, Bates Lane, West End, School Approach, Watermill Way, Bakers Walk, Flaxen Field, Wheelwrights, Brook End and more.

Use zoom in (+) for a closer look at the Five Bells. Zoom out for a wider view of the area around the Five Bells. Click on the small box (bottom right) for a satellite view of the Five Bells Weston Turville, Aylesbury.

Address: The Five Bells, 40 Main Street, Weston Turville, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP22 5RW. Phone number: 01296 613131. Sat Nav postcode: HP22 5RW.

Google Street View of the Five Bells Weston Turville, Aylesbury

Above you can see a Five Bells Weston Turville street view (Google), showing the front of the pub as seem from Main Street in the centre of Weston Turville village.

Photos of Weston Turville - The Five Bells

The Five Bells Weston Turville Aylesbury

This image of the Five Bells Weston Turville was taken in 2010.

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